One of our core values as a church is that we want to be generous - as we have received from God we seek to give generously of our money, our time and our talents.

An obvious way that individual Christians can live this out is by giving financially to the church. The vast majority of our church’s income comes from the voluntary giving of members, for which we are truly grateful - without it we would not be able to function as a church, nor to support other ministries and help those in need.

We don't make a big thing of this in our regular services and we certainly never ask strangers or occasional visitors for money. We have a discreet box near the entrance for those who wish to give cash or cheque on a Sunday morning, but most members prefer to give by online bank transfer or regular standing order.

If you would like to set up an online payment, please use the following account details:

Account Name: Whitstable Community Church

Account Number: 14864908

Sort Code: 52-10-19

If you would prefer a pen and paper method, we have a standing order form which you can download and print, then fill in with your details and present to your bank.

And finally, but very importantly, if you are a UK taxpayer, please consider Gift Aid-ing your donations. Gift Aid allows us, as a registered charity, to claim from HMRC an extra 25p for every £1 you give, as long as you’ve paid the basic rate of tax and make the donation from your own funds, and it won't cost you a penny.

If you’d like to Gift Aid your giving, then please download, print, and fill in the form and either email it to or put it in the box on a Sunday morning.

Download forms

Standing Order form

Gift Aid form

We encourage all believers to be giving to their local Church.