The Great Commission 5 - ‘All nations’
Date: 12/9/2021
Series: The Great Commission
Preacher: Maurice Nightingale

The Great Commission 9 - ‘To the very end of the age’
Date: 11/7/2021
Series: The Great Commission
Preacher: Geoff Maile

The Great Commission 8 - ‘Surely I am with you.’
Date: 4/7/2021
Series: The Great Commission
Preacher: Ben Travis

The Great Commission 7 - ‘Baptising’
Date: 27/6/2021
Series: The Great Commission
Preacher: Geoff Maile

The Great Commission 6 - ‘Teaching them to obey’
Date: 20/6/2021
Series: The Great Commission
Preacher: Mike Clements

The Great Commission 4 - ‘Make disciples’
Date: 6/6/2021
Series: The Great Commission
Preacher: Geoff Maile

The Great Commission 3 - ‘Go, therefore’
Date: 30/5/2021
Series: The Great Commission
Preacher: Craig Prentice

The Great Commission 2 - ‘All authority’
Date: 23/5/2021
Series: The Great Commission
Preacher: Brian Havell

The Great Commission 1 - God's Mission
Date: 16/5/2021
Series: The Great Commission
Preacher: Geoff Maile